SCOPE Evaluator Agreement

  1. Evaluator may not copy the *Product or provide their copy to any other person
  2. Evaluator may not modify the Product in any way
  3. Evaluator may install the Product on one hard disk for testing at Evaluator's sole risk, but must remove such copy from such disk at the end of the evaluation or upon Supplier's request, whichever is sooner. Evaluator has a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the Product for the sole purpose of evaluating the Product during the evaluation period
  4. Evaluator agrees that any use of the Evaluation version of the Product, whether as part of this Evaluation or otherwise, will be entirely at Evaluator's own risk. Evaluator agrees that it is Evaluator's sole responsibility to backup data and take other appropriate measures to protect programs and data
  5. Evaluator agrees not to allow any third party to use the Product on Evaluator's hardware or otherwise and to indemnify and hold Supplier harmless from any damages or claims arising from use by any third party
  6. The product and any support from supplier are provided "as is" and without warranty, express or implied. Supplier specifically disclaims any implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
  7. *Where "Product" is an evaluation copy of "SCOPE Project Sizing Software"