SCOPE Clients

Total Metrics believes in an IT Industry that continually pursues excellence and inspires confidence in its customers.

We seek new and innovative methods, products, standards and processes to ensure you deliver IT services with a professionalism that ensures your customers get exactly what they expect, when they expect it.

SCOPE is the only Multi-user, Multi-Lingual function point counting metrics repository on the market, with built in auditing capabilities.

SCOPE is used as the Function Point Counting tool and Metrics Repository by major corporations in over 15 countries worldwide including USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, China, Japan, India, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Ireland and Brazil.

SCOPE Users include the following companies:

aestimat Agile Metrics
Atos Origin Australia Post
Bank of Montreal Belastingdienst
BT Financial Group Callista
CITEC Consulting Information Technologists
CSC Australia Dept. of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Delta Lloyd Department of Justice (Tasmania)
DEVK Versicherungen DST Global Solutions
Ergo Direkt Versicherungen IB-Groep
IBM ivv GmbH
Kaplan Trucking Company Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc
Martin Dawes Systems Mediaan/abs
Nantian Computer Systems NEC
QSM QLD Dept. of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Roads & Traffic Authority Satyam Computer Services
SPR SRA International
Unisys Vodafone
Deutche Telekom Munich RE
KQV (KarstadtQuelle Versicherungen) Dept. of Immigration

SCOPE Testimonials

David Bunston

Assistant Director

Employment Systems Project Office

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

"SCOPE has allowed us greater flexibility in managing our function point count repository. The look and feel of the interface is simple and easy to use and our function point analysts have positive comments on the familiar 'explorer' view of the function hierarchy. The single database file enables SCOPE to be easily and managed and secured within our document management system."
Tony Rollo

Independent FP specialist

CFPS 12 Years

Benefits of SCOPE

Two major benefits:

  1. The flexibility of reporting I can now prepare count reports in HTML, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. This allows me to easily incorporate the count or session details within the reports I make to clients. I usually write a comprehensive report describing the count and any difficulties of counting - this will include potential process improvement opportunities as well as conclusions regarding the potential benefits of utilizing the FP counters report in a variety of ways.
  2. The ease with which counts can be maintained. We are often asked to prepare a count and then some time later to adjust the count to include a second phase or changes that occurred during the progress of the project. SCOPE allows me the flexibility to manage this and yet maintain the original count so that changes can be traced back to the initial count at any stage in a software product's life cycle even when the software has been in service for several years.

These benefits allow me to give a more complete service to my clients and hence attract repeat business than I had been able to do with the previous spreadsheet based counting solutions which I have used.

Graham Lawder


"I have found SCOPE to be a flexible, clear and logical application with the following key strengths:

  • It provides a graphical presentation of the functional decomposition of the Project/System/Application under analysis
  • It supports the capture of very detailed count information
  • It gives the user a capability to expand or collapse functional branches which helps make identification of specific count areas easy
  • The count review processes conducted with the project/system/application experts is greatly streamlined by the ability to make any adjustments needed quickly and easily
  • The applications internal logic takes care of all the Functional Size calculation instantly
  • Once the analysis process is complete (and agreed) many invaluable reports can be selected and generated that are specifically designed to meet or exceed client requirements

Overall I find the product greatly improves my companies counting productivity."

CFPS of 10 years standing with a Global IT organisation

"SCOPE is a flexible, easy to use application, which will greatly assist in measuring the functional size of software projects and applications. It has a comprehensive range of features which enable quick and easy analysis of every aspect of the Software Development Life Cycle. SCOPE enables the compilation of a detailed historical record of the initial development and subsequent enhancement projects of an application"

CFPS Function Point Counter of 10 years World-wide Consultant

"SCOPE is incredibly fast, aligned to what the measurer needs in real world practice, and it allows you a wide range of measures, from early approximation up to detailed, documented counts depending on your needs and information availability."