SCOPE - New in Release 2.1
1. Project Productivity and Size Reporting
⁃ The Project List is now available as a tab on the Software Applications List Screen. The Project List displays all Projects with their associated Count Sessions and count sizes along with the Project aggregated size. If a project's effort is recorded within the Project Details, then the Project Delivery Rate (PDR) of the project is also displayed and reported. Highlight the count and it will display its associated Release and Application, double click it to open it.
- Easy aggregation and reporting of a Projects' counts across multiple Applications.
2. Everyone can now have freely view all Count Details with SCOPE Viewer™
⁃ SCOPE counts can now be viewed by the user or count reviewer using the free downloadable reader SCOPE Viewer™. This free publicly available SCOPE reader is available from the Total Metrics WWW site allows viewing and reporting on all aspects of the count.
- SCOPE ensures that you can easily share your count results with anyone; they can run their own reports and review all your counting decisions. Saves you time by not needing to run multiple reports to distribute.
3. Selectively extract ‘SnapShots’ of Releases or Counts
⁃ SCOPE allows you ‘extract’ a Release with all its counts or just a Count Session for a Release and all their details and save them in a new SCOPE Database. This provides an added level of security of your portfolio data in that it allows you to extract only the Counts relevant to the counter. Once they have made their changes to the count the whole Release or just the Count Session can then be exported and imported back into the master Repository in SCOPE.
- SCOPE ‘SNAPSHOT’ allows the Count administrator to control access to sensitive counts in the Master Repository, by extracting on the relevant count information for counters to work on. Allows counters to count remotely on a small database for additional speed, then merge their count back into the current baseline at a later date. It also allows a counter to SNAPSHOT their count to distribute for review with SCOPE Viewer™.
4. Automatic Recovery
⁃ If your operating system crashes or your network fails, while you have an open SCOPE database, the next time you open SCOPE it will ask if you want to recover your unsaved file. If you confirm then your previous set of changes will be saved and your database re-instated.
- SCOPE now ensures that you will never again lose data due to untimely system interrupts.
5. Reporting all Trees ‘As Displayed’
⁃ SCOPE allows extra refinement to all reporting so that only the nodes ‘expanded’ on the trees as they are currently displayed on screen, will print on the reports. The selection can be further narrowed by using the existing report filters of only reporting from the branch downwards, flagged nodes or only the nodes impacted by the Count Session or Release.
- This feature further enables customised reporting so you only report what you need to see.
6. Reporting Count Values filtered by Attributes
⁃ SCOPE will report the actual number of function points, and their percentage contribution for the processes and data groups assigned to the different attributes. These percentages are reported with respect to the entire Baseline Count or can be further refined to only report for the particular Release or Count Session. (See "Reports - Attribute FP Size Profiles").
- This new report allows you to interactively report the percentage of functionality that satisfies different attributes. Eg. The percentage of ‘High Priority’ functionality compared to ‘Optional’ or percentage of a package that needs ‘reconfiguring’ rather than be ‘coded’. Customise your attributes so you can report on your own profiles to support your decision making.
7. Process and Data Groups assigned a ‘zero’ multiplier are now highlighted ‘blue’
- Immediately highlights if a process or data group has been ‘turned off’ and is not contributing to the count.
8. The Notes Icon now shows when it includes a description
⁃ If a Note has additional text in the description field, the Notes Icon changes from
- Allows you to quickly discern if there is additional information about the Note in the description that may be of interest.