Using NESMA Quick Scan Method in SCOPE

SCOPE 4.0 now has Numeric Attributes enabling FPs to be multiplied by a % or a quantifier.

When doing an FP count using the NESMA Quick Scan Method: Analysts estimate FP size by estimating number of Low, Average and High requirements - with a Minimum, Expected & Maximum for each. To record the results in SCOPE create 3 Numeric Attribute Categories called Minimum, Expected, and Maximum. Set up the Units= eg "Minimum FPs" and Variable = "Functions". Create three Numeric Attributes under each Category, called Low, Average and High.

Record number of Low Functions eg. 17 in the Value field of the Low Attribute. In the Function Tree create a Branch called "Quick Scan - Estimate Planning" and insert 3 Output Processes, called Low , Average and High. Set their complexities and link to the corresponding Attributes. Run the Numerical Attribute FP Size Report.