Overview of SCOPE 2.0 Features
Published September 2007
Multiple counters simultaneously count the same Baseline – SCOPE enables you to count your Change Requests off-line and then merge your count back into the master copy of the Work in Progress Release so other counters’ changes are retained when your changes are recorded. Alternatively you can merge a previous count for a project that you put on hold into your latest Baseline.
You can now easily have multiple counters counting multiple change requests concurrently on the same baseline. If you have counted a project based on an old baseline that was put on hold, you can export it from the old Release count and import it to apply to the current Release hierarchy. See Import / Export Count Sessions
Count what you want when you want – SCOPE allows you to count projects against a current Work in Progress Release baseline, then if the Project is not completed in time for the Production Release to be updated, or if the Project did not go ahead as planned, just select to hold it over for the next Release. SCOPE will not update the baseline with the count and will create a new Work in Progress Release which will include the delayed count.
SCOPE responds to the needs of a busy IT shop that require ‘what-if’ counts for planning purposes but do not want to lose the information or have it become out of date before the project is actually implemented. SCOPE will retain the information of the count over time and exclude it from updating the Baseline until you decide to do so. See Excluding Counts from Baseline Update
Count Conversion Functionality and select to exclude it from the Baseline Update – SCOPE allows you to create a Count Session within a project specifically to count conversion functionality. It will be counted as part of the Release size for the project but can be selectively not applied when updating the Production Baseline count.
SCOPE lets you decide which counts within a Release will be applied to the Baseline.
See Excluding Counts from Baseline Update
Reporting the Project aggregated size and Productivity Rate – SCOPE reports the size of a project’s Count Sessions in each Application impacted by the project. It aggregates the sizes and determines the total project size and the project delivery rate (PDR) for the project in the Project Details Report.
This feature enables reporting and comparison of project productivity rates. See SCOPE Report List and Project Metrics for ISBSG
Application Portfolio Metrics Reports – SCOPE reports all sizes of all Releases and Count Sessions for all Applications in the Applications Portfolio. This feature is available online and in hard copy. This feature enables you to view and compare Release sizes and Baseline Growth over time for all applications in unadjusted or adjusted function points. See SCOPE Report List
New features in SCOPE Release 2 that will increase your productivity
- Online Dynamic Reporting of Count Sizes – Select the option on the status bar to dynamically report Baseline Size, Reworked Size or Impacted Size for the Release or Session SCOPE displays at the bottom of the hierarchy screens.
Saves time running online reports by reporting the latest size value dynamically as you count. See Types of Functional Size Reporting
- Export Metrics for Import into other Products – Select to export :
Seamless integration of SCOPE results into your estimation and metrics repositories.
Listing of Notes, Attributes and Data in the Detail Screens – See at a glance a list of the linked notes, data and attributes when viewing the details of each Process or Data Group, double click on the list to take you to the selected link.
Speeds up counting and count reviews, as everything is on a single screen.
See Viewing Linked Processes, Data , Notes and Attributes
Online Reporting of the Size of All Releases, Count Sessions in the Applications List Screen – You can see at a glance the size of all Count Sessions and all Releases for all Applications in the Application List Screen. Size can be optionally reported as Baseline Size, Reworked Size or Impacted Size for Release or Session.
This feature saves creating reports on individual Count Sessions and Releases to compare values.
Group Data Groups into Folders on the Data Hierarchy – SCOPE enables you to group related Data Groups under a Data Group on the data hierarchy for ease of documentation and understanding. For example Folders could be for Accounts, or Customer related Data Groups or alternatively a folder for your Reference Files, Configuration Files, Rule Tables and your External Interface files, grouped by the applications where they reside.
This feature facilitates easier understanding, completeness of documentation and easier maintenance of your counts. see The Data Tree
Reporting Function and Data Type and their size on the Hierarchy Reports – SCOPE now also reports the type and size of each process and data group on the hierarchy report. At group level it reports the aggregated size of the child nodes.
This feature enables easier checking of the count completeness and accuracy as all processes and data groups are positioned where they occur in the functional model. See SCOPE Report List