SCOPE Report List

Reporting Counts

Use the Menu Option Report Selection (or Ctrl P) to list the available reports for printing or preview. Press + to expand the report group to select one or more individual reports for sending to the printer or viewing all content online. Reports displayed online can be saved as a PDF file using Acrobat Distiller (select to Print) or sent as an email attachment via MSOutlook. Clicking on the top branch will select all reports (select to Send). Reports can also be exported to HTML, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word.

NOTE: If the reports do not display in Preview Mode, Go to View, Screen Display Options and insert the location of the Runtime Version of Microsoft Access. This has been installed when SCOPE was installed but the directory location may not be the default. Use MS Explorer to find the correct directory. Insert the full pathname e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Access Runtime\Office10.

To only include nodes from a selected branch in the report,first locate the cursor onthe appropriate tree branch in the main screen. Then in the report list ‘check’ the box marked ‘from current position’. If your report has fewer items than expected then you need to check exactly where the cursor is located on every Tree, as it only reports from that node downwards.

To further refine the selection of nodes to be included on reports, assign Flags to the selected tree nodes in Filter Mode using the boolean selections (&, ,) and ‘check’ the box marked ‘Select Flagged nodes’ in the Report Selection screen or just locate on the nodes you want to print and select the ‘Flag’ icon from the main menu. (See Flags and Filters)

The main report groups are:

Benchmarking Details Reports

These reports, describe the background of the release models stored in SCOPE. Reports include the:

Hierarchy Tree Reports

Provide a diagrammatic outline-view of each of the four Hierarchy Trees. The Function Hierarchy and Data HierarchyReports also provide an option to print the Function Point Counting details next to each node i.e. type, and Fps awarded. (See also Hierarchy FP Size Attribute Summary below which combines FP count details, Summary reports with Hierarchy structure for both Function and Data Trees)

Linked Tree Lists

Provide a comprehensive list of the cross-referenced nodes Linking the Hierarchy Trees to each other. For Data Group / Function Linked Lists it also reports the type relationship between the Data Group and Process i.e. Update or Read Only.

Totals the number of linked function points for each group.

Function Point Count Result Reports and All Counts for a Release

See also- Reporting the Functional Size in Function Points.

These reports provide both detailed and summary reports relevant to the Functional Size of the currently selected Release Model. The different types of Functional Size reports include and exclude different functionality as described in Table below. The Functional Size result will include all functionality on both the function and the data hierarchy unless you have selected to include only a branch from the current position or only selected Flagged nodes within a branch using the Filter Option. In that case the Functional Size reported will only be for the selected Flagged nodes.

NOTE: When Microsoft Excel is selected for the report output the reports also inlcude the audit data for each node

All Counts for a Release

These reports list a summary of all the Count Session Sizes both as a table and as a comparative Bar Chart and Pie Chart, detailing the relative contribution of each Count Session to the total Release Size.

Detail Reports

These reports include, Process and Data Group Detail reports. I.e. all linked items and all functional size details each Process and Data Group that has been selected.

Portfolio Size Reports

These reports list the size (baseline, impacted, reworked)of all Count Sessions, all Releases for all Applications within the currently opened SCOPE database, in either adjusted or unadjusted function points.

Attribute FP Size Profiles

These Reports profile your counts for the % that is linked to each attribute within a Category. I.e. if you have identified processes as being mandatory to user or optional to the user and created Attributes called Mandatory and Optional then SCOPE will report the percentage of the count that has been allocated Mandatory and Optional.

If you have assigned Numerical Attributes then SCOPE will report the quantified results in the Numerical Attribute - FP Size Reports.

Hierarchy FP Size Attribute Summary Recommended.

These reports are a combination of all the information available on the Hierarchy FP Detail Reports, Function Attribute Lists and the SCOPE FP Count Result Reports (Detail and Summary). However they are unique in that are in a hierarchy format and they only display the nodes that are Relevant to the current selection. They are the only SCOPE reports that uniquely identify for any single process and or data group, the combination of attributes assigned to these nodes and to total them by Attributes. They also identify the relevant impact types for the Nodes. The single report includes both the Function Hierarchy and the Data Hierarchy and the FP count summary reports.

The tables below describe the name, content and calculations behind each Report Type.



Report Name


Processes and Data Included

IFPUG Terminology

Baseline Reports

Report the Net Functional Size of a Production Release

Baseline Application

Size of delivered application

All delivered

Application Function Point Count

Release Reports

Report the Functional Size of Work in Progress Releases and Other Releases

Baseline Release

Size of delivered Release

All functionality delivered into production at completion of the Release (excludes any ‘deleted’ by a Count Session)

Development Project Function Point Count

Release Rework

Cumulative size of functionality worked on by all Change Requests within this Release

Selects all impacted (added, changed and deleted) functionality for all Count Sessions within this Release

Not available

Release Impacted

The size of unique functions worked on by all Change Requests within this Release

All functionality delivered by this Release. Selects all impacted (added, changed and deleted) for all Count Sessions

Enhancement Project Function Point Count (for more than one Change Request)

Count Session Impact

Size of all functionality impacted by the currently selected Change Request

Selects all impacted (added, changed and deleted) by the currently selected Count Session

Enhancement Project Function Point Count (for a single Change Request)

Linked Tree List Reports

Linked List


Report Name

Nodes Included



Reports the relationship of the Links between each of the four Trees

Attribute Data

Attribute Note

Attribute Function

Data Attribute

Data Notes

Data Function

Notes Attribute

Notes Data

Notes Function

Function Attribute

Function Data

Function Notes

Selects all Nodes currently linked. If Flagged Nodes or From Current Position is selected then those nodes are also included.

Not Available

Detail Reports for Processes and Data Groups

Process and Data Detail Reports


Report Name


Processes and Data Included

IFPUG Terminology

Report the Functional Size details of each selected individual Process or Data Group.It also lists the names of all the Linked nodes (Attributes and Notes.)

Process Detail Report

Data Group Detail Report

Detailed description of each individual Process or Data Group and their Linked Notes, Attributes

Selects all Processes and all data groups for the Release

Not Available

Reports the General System Characteristics and their ratings. (See Assessing the Value Adjustment Factor)

Value Adjustment Factor Report

Reports the VAF value for current Release selected

Value Adjustment Factor

Process and Data Detail Reports


Report Name


Processes and Data Included



Reports the Functional Size of all the Count Sessions within a Release both as a Summary and a Graphical Chart

Release Impacted Size – All Sessions Counts -CHART

Release Impacted Size – All Sessions Counts -Summary

Selects all impacted (added, changed and deleted) by each Count Session within the Release

Enhancement Project Function Point Count (for the Release – note this is an aggregated count of all change requests)

All Counts for a Release -Reports

These tabular and graphical reports list the results of all counts for the currently selected Release.

Portfolio Size -Reports

Reports the baseline impacted and reworked size for all Production, WIP Releases and their Counts, in both adjusted and unadjusted function points.