External Resources

Software Metrics related links to tools and resources.

Case Study-Example Software Specification & Function Point Count
Total Metrics is now able to provide you with an Example Software Specification & Function Point Count for you to practice your function point counting skills. This specification has been counted by certified counters and was approved by IFPUG as part of Total Metrics certification for function point count training. You will also receive an evaluation copy of SCOPE, in order to view the answers.
Methods & Tools Newsletter
Free e-newsletter providing practical knowledge for software development professionals.
SDMetrics Measurement Tool
The distinguishing features of SDMetrics are that the UML is the de-facto standard design modeling language for object-oriented systems. SDMetrics performs design measurement on UML designs, thus providing early cost and quality indicators at the design stages. SDMetrics is highly customizable. Users can define and calculate their own design measures, tailored to their design processes and usage of the UML. SDMetrics works with all UML design tools that support the UML interchange format XMI (that is most UML tools), and is free for universities and non-profit organizations.
Slim Metrics
SLIM-Metrics for Windows is the Windows based version of the popular PADS (Productivity Analysis Database System) measurement and metrics repository. The data entry part of SLIM-Metrics is comprehensive and customizable. If it's not there, you can add it.
By Robert J. Graham and Randall L. Englund In Creating an environment for Successful Projects Robert J Graham and Randall L Englund zero in on the key to developing the project-based organization. To email
SR/Institute's Software Quality HotList
SR/Institute maintains this list of links to selected organizations and institutions which support the software quality and software testing area. Organizations and other references are classified by type, by geographic area, and then in alphabetic order within each geographic area.
SEISN Software Engineering and Information Systems Network
SEISN is funded by the EPSRC under the SEBPC Initiative. The backdrop of the network concerns the present poor communications between the software engineering and information systems communities. SEBPC concerns software engineering and business processes which falls under the remit of both groups. One of its aims is to encourage joint work. We feel that such collaboration would be to the benefit of both groups. The network is about leading members of the SE and IS communities in both computer science and management forming a network to discover the links between the disciplines in academia and outside, debating conflicts and misunderstandings, proposing best practice and disseminating this to academia and industry. The emphasis is on empirical research.
IFPUG Bibliography and reference Library of Metrics Related Resources
The International Function Point Users' Group (IFPUG) is a non-profit, member governed organization. The mission of IFPUG is to be a recognized leader in promoting and encouraging the effective management of application software development and maintenance activities through the use of Function Point Analysis and other software measurement techniques. IFPUG endorses FPA as its standard methodology for software sizing. In support of this, IFPUG maintains the Function Point Counting Practices Manual, the recognized industry standard for FPA. IFPUG also provides a forum for networking and information exchange that promotes and encourages the use of software product and process metrics. IFPUG members benefit from a variety of services, each of which is described below.
JMetric the Product
JMetric aims to bring current OO-metrics, and metrics tools research to the practitioner. The project was started in April 1998 as part of ongoing research into metrics tools. The development team had found that there had been very few good metrics collection and analysis tools available for object oriented languages. This was the start of the development of a fully functional metrics tool for an object oriented programming language.
An Introduction to Function Point Analysis by Roger Heller
The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to Function Point Analysis and its application in non-traditional computing situations. Software engineers have been searching for a metric that is applicable for a broad range of software environments. The metric should be technology independent and support the need for estimating, project management, measuring quality and gathering requirements. Function Point Analysis is rapidly becoming the measure of choice for these tasks.
Articles selected by The David Consulting Group
Web articles:
  • Function Point Counting in a Real-Time Environment by D. Garmus
  • An Introduction to Function Point Counting by D. Garmus
  • Estimating Software Earlier and More Accurately by D. Garmus, D. Herron
  • Establishing Effective Service Level Measures by D. Herron
Vendor selection:
  • A recipe for success by K. Thompson
  • Performance Measurement: The foundation of effective Service Level measures by E. Buel
  • Application Maintenance Outsourcing by D. Herron
  • On Time In Budget, How Did You Do It? by D. Garmus, D. Herron
  • A Prescriptive Template for Outsourcing by K. Thompson
  • The Missing Manager Syndrome by K. Thompson
Software Engineering Resources
A collection of Web-based and print resources that will help you understand and explore many different software engineering topics.
Development Assistant for DAC
The basic task of software metrics is to identify and measure the key parameters which affect software development. DAC offers a solution which combines the usefulness of using software metrics and the facility of working in an integrated environment. Metrics reports provide from their own angle a qualitatively new outlook on the complexity and quality of the project. Software metrics in DAC are easy to use, allow a visual overview of metrics parameters and are integrated into the project.