Function Points FAQs

Backup and Recovery


Issue Description

Sample Scenario

General Discussion


If the user asks for Backup should this functionality be counted as a user business requirement?


User Requirement

The Payroll Area stores all their pay record books in a locked cupboard. The records are considered to be safe so additional copies are not made.

Technical Design

Computerised systems are not as reliable as manual systems and to ensure the safety of the business data they nearly always provide a backup and restore facility.The backup creates an exact copy of the user's data and physically stores it in a separate physical file.Restoration of the data involves using this backup data to recreate the logical data files.

Scenario Resolution

The backup and restore described above is not a business event from a user perspective, nor is the copied data a different logical group of data.The backup process, and the copied data, is considered to be a qualitative feature of the application i.e. it ensures data reliability.


General Discussion

Depending on the application, the backup of the user's business data may or may not be a business requirement. However, most commonly, it is not a business requirement.

There are cases where the backup of the data is a user function e.g. for legal or taxation reasons.The manual business system would have the same requirements.In these cases, the functions that access the copied data are usually considered to be business transactions and the copied data an Internal Logical File.

If backup is a business requirement then try and determine how it contributes to the logical transactions and data files and try not to be influenced by the physical design.

Contribution to VAF

Backup and recovery are considered when assessing the GSC 'Operational Ease' in the Value Adjustment Factor.


Issue Description

Sample Scenario

General Discussion