Saving an New Excel Chart Template to report Metrics
SCOPE provides template Pivot Charts for Metrics data which can be generated by selecting the Metrics Charts button top right hand side of the Benchmark Metrics screen. You will be prompted to save the extracted data in a new folder and name the directory folder.
SCOPE extracts the currently highlighted data and exports it to an XML file and saves it under the directory folder that you just created. It also saves an Excel workbook in the same directory. Both these files are saved with the same name as the directory folder. E.g. if you elected to save your Release Benchmark extract files in the folder called "Benchmark Metrics 2011" then under that directory folder will be two files:
There are 3 types of XML and XLSM files saved by SCOPE depending on the type of report you select. The formats of these files are defined by the following Master Template files.
This XML extract uses the:
XSD Schema (c:\ProgramFiles\Total Metrics\MaintenanceAndSupport.xsd)
Excel Master Template (....My Documents\Total Metrics\ApplicationReport.xlsm)
This extract uses the:
XSD Schema (c:\ProgramFiles\Total Metrics\DevelopmentAndEnhancementReleases.xsd
IExcel Master Template (....My Documents\Total Metrics\ (ReleaseReport.xlsm)
This extract uses the:
SCOPE opens your new Excel file which has been created using one of the above template files and you can view and edit the template Pivot Charts displayed to suit your own organisation's needs. i.e. You can change the format and display content of the existing Charts, Add New Charts and or Delete/hide existing Charts. If you just 'SAVE" your Excel workbook the changes just made will only be for that workbook and do not update the original Master Excel Templates.
This can be done two ways:
If you want to keep many different versions of the Benchmark Templates, e.g. different report formats for different clients, different User Areas etc, then when you have customised the Excel Benchmark Charts to look as you want them to report in the future save them in a specific directory named accordingly.
eg. C:\My Reports\Benchmark Reports\Annual Benchmark Reports for ACME client\ProjectReport.xlsm
When you save your customised XCEL Report Template file to the directory you will need to rename it using the SCOPE reserved name for the *.xlsm file. i.e. the file name is dependent on the type of data reported and can only be one of the following names.
You can store all three of the above xlsm files in this directory. SCOPE recognises them by their name and will load the correct data according to that specific name . The reports will display in your saved customised format. This directory will now be the Template directory where SCOPE will use the xslm files as the templates to create all your new report files. SCOPE will not overwrite these files. If you want to 'fix' them you will need to either overwrite them with a newer version or fix them manually.
To ensure that SCOPE uses your customised templates rather than its own master templates you need to let SCOPE know where they are stored.
eg. C:\My Reports\Benchmark Reports\Annual Benchmark Reports for ACME client \
Remember to put the last back slash "\" at the end of the directory path name or SCOPE will not be able to find the template files.
SCOPE will then automatically use these new customised templates in your selected path every time it runs its benchmark reports. If you want to revert back to using the original inbuilt SCOPE Master Templates then just :
To get SCOPE to use another set of templates in a different directory just update the path with the new directory name in the User Options as described above.
We would recommend that you first create a Directory called "SCOPE Master Templates" under c:\...My Documents\Total Metrics\. Then move the original Master Template Excel files to this new directory.
Once they have moved then the original workbook files can be replaced with the new edited versions keeping the same name as the ORIGINAL MASTER TEMPLATE.
E.g. if you want to replace the Master Template file for Release Metrics data with your new workbook which you have named "Benchmark Metrics 2011.XLSM" then you would copy the "Benchmark Metrics 2011.XLSM" workbook to the c:\...My Documents\Total Metrics\ folder. Rename it, ReleaseReport.xlsm.
To return to the original Master Template files, then just copy them back from your backup c:\...My Documents\Total Metrics\SCOPE Master Templates folder.