SCOPE License Registration

When you purchase SCOPE you will nominate the number of concurrent SCOPE Users who will be installing and using SCOPE. Total Metrics will issue you with a License for that number of Users.

Contact Name = John Smith

Organisation Name = Acme Metrics and Co

Serial Number = 3cc2 4kk9 vkc1 jy3j

Registered Email =

Your License Key is made up of Four parts. When you Start Scope you will be prompted to insert your License Key details into the fields within each of the four parts.

  1. Contact Name - name as provided by Total Metrics
  2. Organisation Name - of your company as provided by Total Metrics.
  3. Serial Number - encrypted number specifically generated by Total Metrics for your purchase. eg. "1q8u 2d9u 3r9g 9j9j" Enter each 4 character-set into each of the 4 data entry boxes - 16 characters in total. i.e. the character-set 1q8u would be entered into first data entry box, 2d9u into the next
  4. Email - your email address for support.

Once you have input your License Key details you will be asked to Activate SCOPE.

When a new Release of SCOPE is issued you will be sent an updated Serial Number. You may also be issued with a new Serial Number if your type of SCOPE license changes. For example: from an Evaluation Version to a full production version or from SCOPE Professional to SCOPE Entperrise. To update the Registration Details of an installed version of SCOPE, select Help / Change License Details from under the main menu.