Set Up Multiple Counts for Same Release
SCOPE’s unique configuration capability enables it to manage concurrent Enhancement counts ensuring other counts are not overwritten when updating the master Application counts (Production Releases). This feature enables a project manager to ‘scope’ multiple change requests on the work in progress release and track the impact of each individual count on the overall release and to record Benchmarking Metrics at Change Request level.
SCOPE’s allows a user to record multiple function point counts for the same Release of an application and to selectively report and edit them. If the count is no longer required then it can be deleted (select Delete Count Session from the Software Applications List when located on the count). Once the Count Session is deleted, the Release Baseline will be left as it was before the count was recorded. (Similar to WORD when you select to "Reject all Changes") .When you select to delete a count you will be prompted to select if you want to Delete Added and/or Delete Deleted processes and data groups that were impacted for the count.
If you select the box to delete the Added processes and data groups SCOPE will delete all the nodes that were added new as part of the count. You can use this feature to 'fix up' a baseline. i.e. Create a count called 'Fix up Baseline' then add in the processes and data groups that you believe should have been included. Have your new nodes checked then delete the Count Session but un-select to Delete Added, these nodes will remain in your Baseline but not be recorded as part of the Release.
If you select to delete the Deleted processes and data groups then SCOPE will remove all nodes marked as deleted. This is a useful way to 'clean up a hierarchy'. i.e. create a Count Session called 'Clean up' then mark all processes and data groups that need to be removed to make the count correct. Have someone validate your decision, then select to delete the Count Session called "Clean up". All the nodes marked as deleted will be removed from the hierarchy.
See also Import / Export Count Sessions