Recording and Counting Files

Counting Logical Files

The Function Tree and the Data Tree are used to model the functionality delivered by the software that will be function point counted. The Function Tree is where the Transactions (Elementary Processes) are recorded. The Data Tree is where the Data Groups or logical files (ILFs and EIFs) are counted. The Attributes Tree and Notes Tree are used for selective profiling and documenting the functionality, (see Types of Hierarchy Trees).

HINT: The second level of the Data Tree (Data Group Level) is the level at which Logical Files are inserted and function points are assigned to each Logical File. If you do not wish to take the time to model your software then create a single Data Group Folder and just list your Data Groups (Logical Files) below it.

Recording Data Groups on the Data Tree.

SCOPE enables you to record individual RETs and DETs and their details by inserting child nodes under each Data Group. These are only used to calculate complexity when the Derived option is selected. For very detailed documented counts SCOPE allows you to link processes to the DETs that they use. This is useful when a DET is impacted by a Change that use that DET.

If you want to group the details of multiple data groups into one Data Group node then enter the number of data groups in the Multiplier field. E.g. where you know there are 6 Tax Rates Reference Files of low complexity (each 7 function points), name the Data Group ‘Tax Reference Files’ and enter 6 into the multiplier. The function points calculated for the Data Group are multiplied by 6 to total 42. SCOPE will display the calculated function points for the Data Group at the bottom right of the Detail screen.