Cost Data (D&E - Projects and Releases)

You can record metrics data either :

Cost is collected the same way for Count Session, Project or Release.

Where the cost is the price paid, (either through money, time or labour, etc.) to acquire, produce, accomplish or maintain the software product. These costs included:

  1. Sub-contractor costs, in-house labour, supplier costs
  2. Hardware purchased specifically for the project, or hardware costs specifically assigned to the project
  3. Licence costs for purchased packages (include even it these costs were passed on to the customer, they are Customer/ End user Costs)
  4. Include all Development Team, End User and IT Operations group effort costs.

Select the currency code for the Currency for which the costs are calculated.

To rate the accuracy of the costs recorded you are asked how the costs were derived. The following methods of collecting COST are believed to be the most common: