Merging a SCOPE PDF file into another PDF File
- Select to preview your report in SCOPE.
- From “File” in the main menu, select Print and select the printer as Adobe (Note: you need to have the Adobe Distiller software previously loaded).
- Check Adobe PDF settings and ensure that ‘Do not send fonts to Adobe PDF’ is unselected.
- Select Print and select the directory for the location of the saved PDF file.
- Open Adobe and from main menu and select “Create PDF”.
- Select from the option for “Multiple files”.
- Select to “Add” files using the “browse” option - select one file at a time if a particular order is required in the finished PDF file.
- Select “OK” to create the aggregated PDF file.
- The SCOPE Count Reports have now been appended to the client report as a PDF file.
- Client report is now ready to be created as a PDF file