Merging a SCOPE PDF file into another PDF File

  1. Select to preview your report in SCOPE.
  2. From “File” in the main menu, select Print and select the printer as Adobe (Note: you need to have the Adobe Distiller software previously loaded).
  3. Check Adobe PDF settings and ensure that ‘Do not send fonts to Adobe PDF’ is unselected.
  4. Select Print and select the directory for the location of the saved PDF file.
  5. Open Adobe and from main menu and select “Create PDF”.
  6. Select from the option for “Multiple files”.
  7. Select to “Add” files using the “browse” option - select one file at a time if a particular order is required in the finished PDF file.
  8. Select “OK” to create the aggregated PDF file.
  9. The SCOPE Count Reports have now been appended to the client report as a PDF file.
  10. Client report is now ready to be created as a PDF file