Creating Attributes to selectively report your software

Profiling and Filtering Counts-Filters and Flags

Select the Attributes tab at the top of the screen to open the Attributes Tree. Related Attributes can be grouped into Categories for easy access and selective reporting. First insert an Attribute Category (Alt+Ins) and give it a collective name. For example you may want to use Attributes to record which Processes will be included in the First Version of the software and which have been left for a later version. Name the Category, “Priority” and then insert an Attribute (Press Ins) representing each of the different Priority Levels you want to allocate to the functions and data. When you have created your Attributes, select Link mode to Link the Attribute to the Processes or Data Groups.

You may link more than one Attribute under the same Category to the same Function, Data Group or Note. For example you may want to use Attributes to identify which functions are available to each security access level. Some functions may be available to all levels and others only to some levels.

Attributes may also be linked to Notes.

Other suggestions for Attribute Categories could be:

Hint: it is easier to locate the Attribute Tree on the LH side if you want to link a single Attribute to many Processes or Data Groups or Notes. (Right click and use the Link-set All function)

How are Attributes different to Notes?

Reporting using Attributes

SCOPE has a number of Reporting options that selectively report the count using the Attributes as the Selection Filter. This allows you to profile what is printed on any of the SCOPE reports.