Value Adjustment Factor - Overview

SCOPE functionality is compliant with the two ISO standards for Functional Size :

Both these standards exclude the use of Value Adjustment factor in the derivation of functional size. Therefore for the majority of size reporting within SCOPE is reported as unadjusted size and complies with the ISO definition of Functional Size Measurement.

Industry standards for reporting functional size (e.g. ISBSG) all report the unadjusted size. For valid comparisons Total Metrics would strongly recommend that you do not use adjusted size in either your performance reporting , contract management or your benchmarking.

Recording the Value Adjustment Factor Characteristics

Select Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) to record the degree of influence a set (14) of quality and technical characteristics General System Characteristics (GSCs) have on the application.

The degrees of influence range on a scale of zero (being no influence) to five (being strong influence).

The types of GSCs are listed, together with the IFPUG description. Select the appropriate number to rate the GSC and optionally enter a descriptive note to support your choice.

Any GSC that you have not rated will assume the average rating of ‘3’. If you do not rate any of the GSCs, then the default Industry VAF (value =1.0) will be used in calculations. The VAF is used to calculate the Product Size for the selected release in Adjusted Function Points.

To Report the Value Adjustment Factor – from the main menu choose - File – Report Selection Description - Release Value Adjustment Factor.

You can Import and Export the Value Adjustment Factor between Releases within the same SCOPE database or different SCOPE databases. See Assessing the Value Adjustment Factor

You output a report for the Value Adjustment Factor - See Report Selection/ Benchmarking Details / Release Value Adjustment Factor