Tutorial Using Example SCOPE Database

Set Up New Release Building Hierarchy Trees for Counts

This Chapter assists you to open our Sample Database provided in your SCOPE installation software and explore the functionality of SCOPE.

When you open SCOPE you will see Open Example Database as a menu option under File on the main menu. Click to open the Example Database.

Alternatively once you have started SCOPE, select File – Open. Browse to the directory where the SCOPE example database is stored (e.g. SCOPE EXAMPLE DATABASE VER 4.1 BUILD 221.0.FPA) (Note: the example database is under the directory where SCOPE was installed typically C:\Program Files\Total Metrics\Scope). To open, either ‘double-click’ or select Open.

The Application List is displayed. Select the [+] icon to display the releases stored for the Application with the name “AMS - View Example Counts>”.

The Production Releases are the Functional Size models for the Baseline Application Releases. The Gold Open Padlock Icon indicates that this is the latest release and that there are no current project counts to update this release.

The Work in Progress Releases stores the functional model for the original Development Project Count “AMS ND Rel 1.0 March 2009” and other later Enhancement projects e.g. “AMS Enh Rel 1.1 June 2009”.

Expand the directories under the Release AMS ND Rel 1.0 March 2009 by pressing the [+] next to the name, and display the three Count Sessions for the three Change Requests that were recorded during the project. Select“AMS #001- Daily Rate” and double-click to open the count or select the Open Icon from the menu at the top.

The Function Tree which holds all the elementary processes displays. To explode the tree either click [+], or use the Icons on the Tools Bar at the top of the screen or select from the top menu Trees – Expand Level 4 tool button.

Move the mouse down and highlight the first Process “Create Assignment”. Either double click the process or select the Detail Tab along the top of the Right Hand Screen. The functional size details of the “Create Assignment” process displays on the right hand Details Screen.

The Details screen also displays a history of the impacts to the Process in the Session Impact dialogue box. We see that the Create Assignment Process was added new in the first Count Session for the Development Project and subsequently this Count Session “AMS #001- Daily Rate"> Impact Count changed the process in response to the users change request. This is also shown to us in the Function screen where the icon for this process is coloured orange.

The Count Session that is currently selected is displayed just above the status bar under the bottom LH screen and should be displaying “session “AMS #001- Daily Rate”. With the “Create Assignment” Process highlighted select the Enhancement Type= ‘Delete’ radio button at the bottom of the screen. You will see the colour of the arrow icon next to the Process change from Orange to Red , to show it is deleted. You would select this option when recording a Change Request to remove existing functionality from an application. It is marked as 'logically removed' and will be physically deleted when the release updates the baseline when the Release is completed.

To display the Data Groups accessed by the Process Create Assignment select the Data Tab along the top of the Right Hand Screen. Expand the Data Tree. The red in the check box indicates that these Data Groups are accessed by Create Assignment. The Pen Icon next to Assignment indicates that this is an Internal Logical File updated by the Processes in AMS. In comparison, the Notebook Icon next to CLIENT DETAILS indicates that this is an External Interface file and only ‘read’ by the AMS Processes.

Highlight the Data Group CLIENT DETAILS and Right click the mouse to change the Access Type for the Data Group from Read Only to Update. Notice the change of the Icon. The orange colour of the ASSIGNMENT Pen Icon is showing that this Data Group was recorded to be ‘changed’ within this Count Session.

Highlight the ASSIGNMENT Data Group and double click or select the Detail Tab along the top of the Left Hand Screen to show the Details screen for the ASSIGNMENT Data group.

Select the Function Tab along the top of the Left Hand Screen to show the Function tree again. Select the Notes Tab along the top of the Right Hand Screen to show the Notes linked to the Create Assignment Process. Place your cursor on the top node and use the Trees- Expand Level 4 tool button to expand the Notes trees. The red in the check box indicates that this Note is accessed by Create Assignment.

Expand the Specification Cross Reference Node and select the first linked Note Section 1.2 - Create Assignment and double click to display the Detail tab for this note on the LH side to show the text describing the functional requirements for this Process.

Select the Function Tab along the top of the Left Hand Screen to highlight the next note linked to Create Assignment. This is under the List of Errors identified in Acceptance Testing. The error identified for this Process is. “Data entry box for Assignment name is too small - please increase to allow 100 characters”.

‘Flip’ the views by using the Flip Icon (HINT: Looks like a double headed arrow or anchor) on the top menu. The Note is now on the LH side of the screen. Select the Attribute Tab on Right Hand Screen to show the Attribute Tree. Explode the Category “Defect Severity Levels” to display the severity which has been attributed to the highlighted error.

The Attributes can also be linked to any other Tree. Select the Function Tab along the top of the Left Hand Screen then explode the Priority for Release 1 Category. You can see the function Create Assignment has been assigned a ‘mandatory’ priority.

To see what other functions have been determined as being Mandatory to Release 1, select the Filter Icon on the top menu. Highlight the priority “mandatory” then click the option (OR) along the top menu. Immediately all the Processes identified as being mandatory are highlighted with red Flags. If you want to know which ones are mandatory and required then click on the option again while required is highlighted. You will see more Processes are now Flagged . To report the Functional Size of just the ‘Flagged’ items, select the top node of the Function tree Function AMS ND Rel 1.0 March 2009 and then Report icon and expand [+] "Function point count result" and select report " Baseline Release Functional Size". Tick the check box for ‘Select Flagged Nodes” and then select toPreview the report. This filters the report to display only the ‘Flagged nodes’ for the Mandatory and Required Processes.

To toggle the Flags on and off use the ‘’ option to clear the Filter selection and then option to reset. To clear the Flags select the clear Flags Icon on the top menu.

All of the four types of Trees (Function, Data, Attributes and Notes) can be displayed on this screen. Each tree type is identified by the Tab at the top of the screen and can link to any other Tree type displayed in the opposite side. To display a particular combination of trees just select the appropriate Tabs.

Continue experimenting with the different ways you can Filter the data, combining Filters across trees and within branches. Each will give you a different profiled view of your Processes and Data.

If you want to create a new Release to try out your new skills, then return to the Software Applications List (See under File on the main menu). Follow the instructions for creating a new Release, (see Create a new Release ).