Function Point Analysis (FPA) is a technique used to size the software work product. This work product is the output of software new development and enhancement projects. It is the software which is migrated to the production application at project implementation.
Function Point Analysis (FPA) has been used since the late 1970s to assess the functionality delivered to the user based on the user's external business view of the functional requirements. It measures the logical view of an application as compared to measuring the physically implemented view or the internal technical view.
FPA measures these functional requirements in terms of the:
The process of performing Function Point Analysis is called a ‘Function Point Count’ and it involves the identification, classification and weighting of each of these transactions and data components. The weightings are combined to give the functional size as an Unadjusted Function Point Count. Older versions of IFPUG CPM methodology required an additional step of assessing the technical and quality features embedded in the software product and adjusting the functional size accordingly. The result was referred to as the Adjusted Function Point Count.
NOTE: The latest IFPUG CPM 4.3 Methodology records Functional Size WITHOUT adjustment. SCOPE reports Functional Size results in function points as per the new IFPUG 4.3 recommendations which are unadjusted. However if your organisation still requires an adjusted function point count then record the details required under the Value Adjustment Factor, General System Characteristics and see the SCOPE summary function point count reports for the adjusted values.
The Function Point Analysis technique is used to assess the functionality delivered by software (often called a 'function point count') and a ‘function point’ is the unit of measurement for the software functional size.